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We start recruiting new members for activities in 2019.

 We finished our activities in 2018.

We are now recruiting new members for the activities in 2019.

Oversea people can attend our language meeting free of charge if they speak English fluently.

We have 32 times meeting in a year and various events.

We summarize our activities in 2018 below.

 We enjoyed BBQ in the spring.

You can make many friends at our events.

This event costed for 2500 yen.

Volunteer English speakers can join in our events free of charge if they often attend our language events using "thank you point system."

We have language meetings for 32 times a year.

 We went for cherry picking.

We also enjoyed BBQ there.

We went to lake bathing in the summer.

We enjoyed BBQ there.

We went to a hot spring after it.

We held a Halloween party.

We enjoy wearing a costume and playing games.

We enjoyed BBQ in the fall, too.

It was a very beautiful day.

We went hiking to Inunakiyama.

We held an Xmas party.

There were 63 people.

We enjoyed talking and playing games.

We are now recruiting new members.

Please watch our English website for details.​

We held a deer meat party on 1/26/2019.
We enjoyed an Xmas party on 12/15/2018.

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